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Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.
Home Page

Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.

Free School Meal Vouchers and Holiday Camps

Free School Meal Vouchers for Christmas

Hertfordshire County Council is teaming up with our schools and colleges to deliver food vouchers to entitled families in receipt of free school meals during the Christmas holiday.

Each child will receive £50 for the Christmas holiday.

We have ordered the voucher for each family according to their preference of store and email or printed voucher and will send them out during the week of 13th December.

Please note that the vouchers can only be used instore, not online and cannot be used to purchase age restricted products, such as cigarettes and alcohol.


HAPpy Holidays Activities – Bookings are now open!

Hertfordshire County Council have joined forces with the Herts Sports Partnership to organise a huge programme of activity for the school holidays.

Activities will be running in different venues across the county for children and young people aged between 5-16 years, and all include a nutritious meal each day.

As an eligible family you can book for free using your unique HAPpy Booking Code.  Please contact the school office to obtain the booking code.

You will be able to search for activities using your postcode or child’s age – places are limited and strictly on a first come basis so be quick and book online at

Welcome back to the spring term at Haywood Grove School!