Welcome to the section of our website for parents and carers. We hope that this section will provide you with information that you require to successfully support your child at Haywood Grove. We have also included links to other websites which we hope will be useful to you.
This area is still developing, so please e-mail the school on admin@haywood.herts.sch.uk if you have any suggestions for how this part of the site could be more useful to you.
Communicating with parents, carers and families
Once a child is attending Haywood Grove School we strive to develop and maintain a strong partnership with parents and carers who can then expect regular communication with and from the school:
Home/School Link book - Parents/carers are contacted daily via the home/school link book. These books are designed to be a two-way dialogue between home and school and provide information about a child’s learning, social and emotional behaviours throughout each day. We encourage parents and carers to share information and their comments in these books.
Phone Calls home - Members of the staff team will also call a parent/carer when the need arises and this will be indicated in the home/school link book. The purpose of these calls is to maintain a regular dialogue with families and to provide a balanced view of the child’s day, including positive feedback and any specific areas for discussion and information sharing.
Positive Postcards - If your child has made a real effort in a certain area they will receive a postcard home, for example if they have handled and managed their feelings really well even if they felt upset or they may have worked well in lessons and completed all of their work.
Letters - In addition to information shared verbally and through the home/school link book from time to time the school will need to write to parents and carers with regards to other school issues and events. This maybe to inform them about an up-coming educational visit or event or to provide or ask for other important information.
Termly Questionnaires - We welcome all constructive feedback from parents and carers and as such we encourage all parents/carers to complete our termly questionnaire, the results of which help us shape what we do to improve what we offer to our children and families.
Annual Reports - Teachers will provide written information in the form of an annual report and review paperwork associated with Statements and/or EHC plans.
Parents Evenings - The school will hold 3 parents/carers evening throughout the year – one in each term.
Parents and carers may contact the school via the home/school link book, telephone or e-mail at any time if they wish to make an appointment to see a class teacher or a member of the leadership team. Wherever possible the school will try to ensure that an appointment is made as soon as is possible after the initial request. The school operates an open door policy and as such we try to ensure that a member of the leadership team will be available to speak to a parent/carer at short notice whenever possible.
The school operates a ‘parent-mail’ service and will send texts and e-mails to parents and carers as an additional form of communication, as a reminder or when notice has to be short.
During the school holidays the head teacher can be contacted via e-mail or through her work mobile number.
During the long summer break the school contacts all children via letter to let them know that we are thinking about them and to wish them well for the new year, at Haywood Grove or in their future placement.
The school provides regular news and information through its monthly newsletter that is published at the beginning of each month. This will be provided to parents and carers in hard copy and is happy to provide an electronic copy on request.
Parent Listening Service
The school has two trained Parent Listeners – Claire Valiji and Anna Groom. Both professionals have received 30 hours training in listening skills and have gained significant understanding and skills in helping parents and carers to begin to problem solve and manage family issues. They provide a confidential opportunity for parents and carers to explore issues and to feel empowered to find their own solutions. They are also able to sign-post to other services and resources as appropriate.
This is a free, confidential service where you can talk to someone about anything that you are worried about. It will not be discussed with other members of staff.
Engagement Officer
The school employs Kelly Lannon as our Engagement Officer. This is a newly established role and within this Kelly is able to further strengthen the relationships between home and school by:
Haywood Grove Friends
The school has a parents/teacher association – Haywood Grove Friends. This provides an excellent way to bring together parents, carers and staff from the school team to raise money and to support the school. It provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal. All parents, carers and school staff are warmly invited to get involved even if they only have a small amount of time available.
Helpline for Parents / Carers
Parentline Herts is a telephone helpline for parents/carers. Many callers find that being able to talk over their problems anonymously with a trained listener helps them to relieve stress and look at possible ways forward. Their number is FREE PHONE 08088002222 and is available 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
British Values
What are ‘fundamental British values’?
Schools are required to provide for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their children. As part of this requirement, schools are expected to actively promote fundamental British values.
The government defines these as:
Schools’ programmes for learning about fundamental British values are designed to prepare children and young people for life in modern Britain.
This includes helping children understand:
Our school’s ethos already includes many aspects of the government’s fundamental British values.
Promoting fundamental British values will reinforce, not change, our current ethos.
Our school’s approach to British Values is set out in our British Values Policy. Click here to view.
How to comment or complain
We care about what you think
Each day this school makes many decisions and tries hard to do the best for all the children. Your comments - either positive or negative – are helpful for future planning.
You may want to talk to us about a particular aspect of this school which is not a complaint - you just want to get something ‘off your chest’. Whatever it is do let us know your views.
If you are dissatisfied about the way your child is being treated, or any actions or lack of action by us, please feel able to complain.
We know that it can feel uncomfortable to question or challenge, but if you don’t tell us what is worrying you we cannot explain what we are doing or try to put it right.
If the teacher is not available then the Head teacher will speak to you. If the matter is not settled by the telephone call, an appointment will be made for you to come in to school so that the issue can be fully
Our Promise to You
Click here to view our full complaints policy