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Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.
Home Page

Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.

After School and Holiday Provision

Haywood Grove is pleased to be able to offer After School Clubs for children to attend on three evenings a week:

  • Monday
  • Wednesday 
  • Thursday 


Each child is able to attend until 415pm on one day a week.  In order that all children can attend if they wish to, our transport providers amend their times so that a few vehicles on each  day collect the children at the later time.  If a child does not want to attend we are able to facilitate their journey home at the usual time if the family are not able to collect them.  


Clubs commence in the second week of each half term, with the exception of the first half of the Autumn term when we are running our Discovery Curriculum and children are making their transition.  


Holiday Provision 


In addition to our after school clubs, Haywood Grove offers holiday sessions for all children and families.  

School is open on two days of each week of each holiday from 830-430pm.  During this time activities are many and varied and are tailored to the needs and interests of those who attend. 


If you would like our child to attend, please contact the Parent Engagement Officer for more information.  




Welcome back to the spring term at Haywood Grove School!