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Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.
Home Page

Haywood Grove School

Proud to be Special. Proud to be Different

Welcome to Haywood Grove School. Please feel free to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions.



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Loving School,

Consider yourself

One of the special

Members of an

Extraordinary family

Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. 

Haywood Grove is a Hertfordshire maintained special school for primary aged children with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties (SEMH).  This means that they have extremely complex needs and experience high levels of stress that impacts on their daily functioning through behaviour that is detrimental to their own well-being and sometimes to the well-being of those around them. 

As professionals at Haywood Grove, we are always teaching, both academic knowledge and skills and the development of positive social and emotional behaviours.

When a child struggles with their learning we differentiate the work and support them with it.  We are patient and accepting of their struggle.  The same is true for their behaviour – we differentiate the discipline and support the children to learn to cope with their stress better.  This means that the emotional and social tasks and expectations we have of our children are informed by their developmental stage, their capacities and vulnerabilities and their regulatory state.  Within the context of strong and trusting relationships, we provide the right kind of support at the right time in the right way to help children learn what is emotionally and socially healthy and appropriate so that they and those around them can function at their best and go on to lead rewarding lives.    

Our children’s behaviours are not fixed.   Given the right kind of support within our nurturing, compassionate and predictable environment, our children can and do make significant and lasting progress socially, emotionally, and academically. 

If you would like to visit Haywood Grove School to find out more about what we do please contact the school office to make an appointment to discuss our provision. We are proud of what we do and are always happy to take the time to share the considerable achievements of our children and staff.   We are willing to answer any questions that you may have about what we offer. 

We look forward to welcoming you.

Catherine Smith 


Welcome back to the spring term at Haywood Grove School!